
The Uses Of Electroshock Weapons And Stun Guns

An electroshock weapon is used commonly in law enforcement today. These stun guns are used to subdue a person who may be violent, angry or assaultive. The most popular gun fires projectiles that administer a shock via a small and flexible wire. Others will administer the shock through direct contact.These are small hand-held devices that are both low-current and high-voltage. They give an electrical shock that is intended to temporarily override any muscle responses, paralyzing and immobilizing the recipient for enough time to subdue them.Depending on where the shock is applied, it can be moderately to severely painful. There are sensitive areas on the body that prove to be much more painful than others and these areas are usually the ones sought when trying to incapacitate someone.People should train first before using a weapon or gun that emits an electroshock like this. S107 RC helicopter They will be more careful and more effective knowing how to use it and where to use it. The most effective areas angry bird are the upper shoulder, upper hip and below the rib cage. They were developed not to put out a lethal amount. The body reacts to the shock by having painful muscle spasms.The actual impact of the current that is delivered changes from case to case because S107 RC helicopter of various different factors, such as clothing, skin type, how strong the batteries are, the resistance of the target and the moisture on the skin.It is something of a debate in the law enforcement world as to whether or not using these weapons is a good thing or not. Some officers take advantage of the effectiveness of the gun and the fact that there is no stop mechanism except releasing the button. By using the shock repeatedly or for a long time, damage and even death can occur. The stop mechanism is being added to newer models as they come out.Stun guns are effective weapons when they are placed in the hands of people who are responsible and understand the effect a shock can have. If they are handled by immature and irresponsible people, the damage could cost another person their life. This is one reason that manufacturers have chosen to add a safety switch so that it cannot accidentally go off.

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